There is a word called... Programmed.
it means….
to be provided with
coded instructions for the automatic performance of a task.
presence is not needed.
mine. yours. nor theirs.
the arranged automation moves according to plan.
(Whats that you always say mr.fuller sir? ? If I don’t understand wha??? im not confused. )
Will cyborg circuits be made from melanin?
Posted on March 26, 2019 by Frontiers Science Communications in Engineering, Featured News, Robotics and AI // 2 Comments
Scientists have achieved a billion-fold increase in the electrical conductivity of melanin, that could unleash its potential in safe, sustainable bioelectronics; Frontiers in Chemistry
Despite extensive research on the structure of melanin, nobody has yet managed to harness its potential in implantable electronics.
Scientists have achieved a billion-fold increase in the electrical conductivity of melanin, that could unleash its potential in safe, sustainable bioelectronics
— by Matthew Prior, Frontiers science writer
The dark brown melanin pigment, eumelanin, colors hair and eyes, and protects our skin from sun damage. It has also long been known to conduct electricity, but too little for any useful application – until now.
Digestion and Memory
I’m aware of the fact that when the stomach is digesting
the body pulls all of the energy needed from else.where (?) to ensure this can happen.
Explanations of the “itis” so to say.
something similar happens with traumas.
the spirit and body (they are quilted) pull all of the energy needed from else.where (??) to digest.
to keep itself moving.
I can tell you the colors of my shirt on the day my dads cousin came to visit us when i was 2.
I can tell you the phone number of my 5th grade crush.
I can tell you of the day I learned what the word “fiesty” meant when Ms. rosemary called my house and described me as it! (i’ve never feared a bully)
I can tell you where My grandmother would (try to ) hide her sewing scissor from us.
and the songs the soldiers would chant on the field…
but… i realize.
when grapefruits and oranges began to grow on frontal lobes and soil less stems….
(not my own. but closest we gonna get to it. )
the economizing of energy and blood flow began.
dem yesterday things was no longer needed.
only dese today things.
and tomorrow??? …… ohucanforgetaboutit.
orange diamonds. with black script . detour.
spirit chews the cud too.
u on da bench.
it’s u up ta bat.
u outer eyes wondering?
that’s it. mystery solved?
it’s only the NOW.
what about dem inner eyes ???
they seein’
only the saaaaame thing.
the blank canvas of potentiality called. NOW.
(queen jujewel gets it! lol i laughin’!)
a galaxy far far within
people always trying to find the world i’m in.
people always trying to find the world i’m in.
people always trying to find the world i’m in…..
It is by far my favorite means of travel…
“its not down on any map; true places never are” ~ Herman Melville
“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing,
there is a field. I’ll meet you there.
When the soul lies down in that grass,
the world is too full to talk about.
Ideas, language, even the phrase ‘each other’
doesn’t make any sense.” ~ Rumi
There is a word called... "wicked"
awaiting serious critical analysis.
with far too many euphemisms standing in its place.
True conversations have yet to begin.
“The Sugar House”
“I have heard a great deal said about hell, and wicked places, but I don’t think there is any worse hell than that Sugar House. ” ~James Matthews
Talk to me Quilters...
tell me of your art. I think you may know the secrets of this delicate relationship between the spirit realm… and this one of ours… perhaps you even hold the pattern. on waxed sheets of folded sepia.
my mind’s eyes cant stop seeing the grand underpinnings of it all.
star shine pulled through needle eye.
thimbles and pricks.
Soul Grown Deep.
Worse Than...
“The thing worst than rebellion is the thing that causes rebellion.”
~Fredrick Douglass.
and may you never apologize for having had to rebel. to stand up.
I will forever be the cheerleader of the one who said —no more.
yes yes.
with soft eyes
a smile.
and a dip of the chin.
u see me?
I see you.
There is a word called... Platitude.
/ˈpladəˌt(y)o͞od/a remark or statement, especially one with a moral content, that has been used too often to be interesting or thoughtful.
oh the many many platitudes.
Empathy for Light
…. Leading the way… making the room seen….giving us the gift of color…… while causing sqints and shades…. Full on Turn aways…
There there light…. You are not the problem….. never have been. shine on.
Here's to the rainbow glistened butterfly wings of a softened gaze through sunlit lashes.
I thank you.
I love you.
Thinking on…
The mythological place of “no where” … and perhaps its creatures …. By the name of “nothing"
There really is no such a thing…Even in its greatest attempt….
And No such a place….as none.
It all exists…