One of my childhood teachers….
The Magicans’s Nephew
By C.S Lewis
Book 6 of the chronicles of Narnia
(before the linear conversion)
There is a word called….MIRAGE
With a definition much worth revision….
It may well be the great utopia land…
A space welcome to all…to live as you please…with ground strong enough to walk upon or frail enough to never dare stand upon…
A dear and distant friend of imperceptible…exchanging hand written letters about the beautiful potential of the Human ones…
no words...
Just clear rememberings of early subconscious stampings and watching it all come to pass…
There is a word called.... institutionalized
I think pandemics now count.
There is a wor(l)d called Generous.
May it not go extinct or be forgotten
( for it is the richest place in the world)
I believe in goodness.
I still do.
I believe in goodness and its power to flood
and to get all
over and
all into
I believe in it as a practice.
Great Collaborations
And it’s good to see that the Earth Loves Artists (…sorta.)
“refugee” you … wade on.
solids. mass. earth. dirt. continents. its them that are the minority.
Public installation by Bansky and the Sky. Venice Floodings. Photographed by Rosanna Codino
just saw this...
and it sent me into a deeper silence...
got me thinking about that space... (or...the spaces???)... or....or the total absence of either....
the space between a human being knowing that something needs to be done...
and............................(what?)................................(who?)...........(when?!)..................(they) ...................(someone).....................................(nausea)...............(waiting)............. (accepting....((.no..its not that.its suppressing)) ((eating and swallowing it)))..................................(fearing it)..................................................................(evading it).......................................................(fearing and evading self.) .........................................................................................................(thinking) ...............................(and thinking)...........................................(and thinking)..............................................................................(and thinking).............................................................................................................................DOING.
medula oblongatas....
and other such masters of instincts
where there is no space between signal.....and ACTION.
yes... God...please close the gap in me between signal and action.
well… this site was supposed to be getting a bit of a face lift…but looks like the face-lifter…. made some changes i wasn’t expecting….sooooooo…. bear with things being a bit funky please….. apparently…i’m under construction!
(aren’t we all!)